Aug 102011

The topic of overcoming obstacles has been fascinating to me. How are some people able to come out of challenging situations negatively impacted while others thrive in their lives?

There have been various accounts of people getting caught in a similar difficult situation, but who came out of the experience feeling different – with some less negatively affected than others.  This could have been based on how they perceived their situation and whether they acted to overcome their circumstances and potential negative effect versus becoming passive.

What situations have you felt you’ve overcome well?  Are there tools that you developed that you rely on as a result to continue to overcome difficulties?

I’ve blogged about similar topics along with writing articles for magazines.  I’ve gotten to the point where I wanted to challenge myself with a bigger piece of work.  I’m now polishing up my first (hopefully) ebook entitled:  “In Search of Ganesha, the God of Overcoming Obstacles.”

Look for it within a week!  In it, I share my own experiences on this topic, my reflections, lessons I’ve learned (and still learning), along with tools I’ve found useful that I try to utilize.

Update 8/11/11:  Here is the link to purchase the ebook:

Passport Hell

 Finding balance, Goals, Philosophy, Travel, vacation  Comments Off on Passport Hell
Jun 282011

My dual background

Recently, we planned a trip to the Maya Riviera area in Mexico.  We were excited about some beach time – it had been a while.  My kids and I have never been to Mexico.  Then I realized that my passport still had my maiden name, but the rest of my documents and my ticket were in my married name.  I had an extended visa in this passport, which I didn’t want to lose in a renewal.  I got various information, such as needing to contact the Indian embassy and also that I just needed to present both passports – the updated and the one with the visa.

I made an appointment with a local post office that processed passports, taking my toddler with me on May 19.  Although I could send in the paperwork, I wanted to make sure all documents were reviewed and that there would be no issues.  The appointment went smoothly and I was told I would not have to expedite the process (and pay more); there was plenty of time before my July 3 departure.  I was told I could check online regarding the status and could expedite later if needed.  This sounded reasonable.  It cost $110, whereas it would have been free had I processed the update within a year of marriage.

End of June approached and I did not receive my passport.  I looked online and called several times.  I was told it was in process and to call in a few days.  The agents could not give me details and finally sent a note to those processing it.  Then I got a letter on the 23rd stating an original marriage certificate was needed (apparently what I sent and was approved at the post office was a copy and not acceptable).  I called to determine my options.  I was ready and willing to overnight it, and pay for expediting, but wanted to make sure I would get it back in time, which I could not be assured of.

The final option was to start over and get a new passport with my local passport agency and get the passport within 72 hours.  It would cost $195.  I was able to get an appointment the following day.  I had a lengthy medical appointment for my daughter in the area, and was able to have my husband relieve me for the appointment time.  I was fortunately given credit for my previous payment and was charged $60 for expediting – although had I been informed of the need for the original, I could have sent it in and not started over.

Today, June 28, it finally got processed and is in my possession, just 4 days before departure!  Our upcoming trip is more of a reality now. It has been extra stressful trying to go on vacation!  The moral of this story for me is to not wait or delay on tasks like passport updates/renewals, etc. when you actually have a trip planned.  Don’t leave tasks on the back burner for long, as eventually, they may boil over if left unattended for too long!

The Butterfly Experiment

 Goals, Outlook, Philosophy, Spirituality  Comments Off on The Butterfly Experiment
May 022011

At the Butterfly Pavillion in Denver

I’m on day 1 of an interesting experiment that I have not done exactly right and have already seen the desired result.  The experiment is about manifestation and personal transformation.

The process utilizes the spiritual laws of attraction.  This is about the idea that what you focus on expands or comes to you.  This means that if you focus on gratitude for that which you already have, it should expand.  Unfortunately, it also means that if you focus on something you’re unhappy about, that too will expand.

One of the “tricks” of manifestation is that if you are hoping for more of something like money, you can’t curse the lack of it in your life at the same time that you desire more.  So, in the spirit of fun and spiritual adventure, I decided to try this experiment in manifestation and the laws of attraction.  The premise is that by focusing on something tangible and simple like butterflies, you should be able to bring them into your life in some form, even if it’s a mention in a song or an image on a card.

So day 1 of the experiment called for 5-15 minutes of meditation (I did about 1 minute) and 17 seconds of visualizing butterflies (although I didn’t time it, I believe I managed this).  I planned on doing more of the meditation tonight.  Motherhood beckoned and I had a mom’s group at my Unitarian church to get to.  At the mom’s group, the preschool coordinator was asked to describe what the preschool kids would be doing today.  She held up a butterfly made with tissues and a clothespin (gasp!) and proceeded to describe how the kids would be making this butterfly craft.

I thought of what a psychic had told me years ago when I was a single mom to a boy – that I was an old soul, had the gift of manifestation which I should explore, and that he saw a girl in my future.  Now that I have a 2 year-old daughter, I wondered if the butterfly craft was affirming his manifestation reading about me.  It’s too soon to tell, but I am intrigued and will continue with the experiment to see if I manifest more butterflies and then perhaps to other agendas (like that million dollars, which my husband fully supports trying to manifest).


Source:  The Butterfly Experiment

Resolutions and Goals

 Goals, Self-Care  Comments Off on Resolutions and Goals
Jan 122011

A relevant topic as the new year begins is goal-setting.  Many people make resolutions for the new year, but may not take that further by setting goals to actually reach them.

What are your resolutions?  How are you going to achieve these? What is your game plan?  When would you like to reach parts of your resolutions?  Is one of your resolutions regarding weight loss?  Maybe you could begin by setting an achievable amount as a goal with a doable time line.  For instance, deciding to try to lose a few lbs a month.

How will you achieve this?  What lifestyle changes will you make?  Maybe you could decide on a few simple changes, such as a glass of water before each meal.  Eventually, add other easy changes, such as an apple before a meal, having smaller more frequent meals, walking a few times a week and eating more salad.  Maybe sodas can gradually be eliminated.  Try adding mineral water to small juice amounts.

Small changes add up!  Decide what you will do different every week to reach your goals this year.

Jan 102010

“Each year gives us new reasons to celebrate, new journeys to begin.”-unknown

This lovely saying is from the front of a card I keep on the board above my workspace, where it is always visible.  It is also a very relevant saying as we begin the new year.  I have refrained from making any formal resolutions.  Instead, I try to be vigilant about any areas for improvement as they come up and take note to address.

January is International Life Balance Month (or quality of life month).  It’s a great time to reflect on your life and think about the areas you want to see progress on.  Maybe this will be the month and year that you do something about your passions.  Maybe there is even a way to turn a passion into a side venture that can turn into something full-time.  A recession can be viewed as an opportunity to really be doing something you want to be doing or at least make a start.  I feel passionate about writing and being an entrepreneur.  This year, I would like to go further with that interest.

What is holding you back?  What can be done to get out of a rut if you find yourself in one? I have another quote on my board in front of me:  “you will never really change your life until you change something you do daily.”  This is very true and we have to aspire to trying to make any change, as minor as it may seem, EVERYDAY.  Think about this everyday and be conscious of it.

Another quote I have on my desk, that I have had for many years, is by Henry David Thoreau on goals:  “If one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams, and endeavors to lead a life they have imagined, they will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”

I wish you all new journeys to begin and new reasons to celebrate.   Happy new year! 

Jumping Off the Deep End

 Goals, Self-Employment, Success  Comments Off on Jumping Off the Deep End
Sep 252009

SF Bay BridgeAfter about 20 years of being interested in importing and getting side-tracked with working a “real” job to pay the bills, I am finally ready to take the plunge, in a significant first step by placing an importing order.  I took an importing class recently and am lucky to have my teacher as my consultant to help me iron out the details, hold my hand, and make the dive not too scary.

I wanted to start cautiously, by wading in the “shallow” waters and place a small order to “test the waters.”  That approach turns out to be not very cost-effective as the freight ends up being higher than the order.  Therefore, the recommendation has been to triple the order and hence I found myself standing at the cliff, trying to decide whether I was ready to jump or not.  Then I thought about how I’m 41, and if not now, then when???

I want to be a daring role model for my daughter and demonstrate that sometimes you have to take some chances to try to reach your dreams.  I want to show her that even though you may not reach the star you aimed for, you are still closer to that star than before you tried.  As many of us have experienced, sometimes you land not where you had planned, but ends up being just fine!  With that in mind, I am going ahead and jumping!