Nov 252016

I long for soulitude,

to rest, breathe…
calm my mind, body and soul.

I seek soulitude,
to fully hear silence,
to see details
I never noticed.

Soulitude allows me to feel
expanded, enriched and newer,
a renewed version
I’ve never felt before.

With soulitude, I hear
like I’ve never heard before.

I hear and feel
every chord, every note
of every song…

I hear music that
gives me goosebumps…
and compels my spirit
to sing…

Soulitude increases and enhances
my vision,
to fully see
all that I did not,
could not, would not,

I want to see
every hue of
every color
and every combination…
a kaleidoscope
of shifting,
evolving colors…

My spirit has been starved…
and hungers for healing

that begins with
being fed by
quiet, gentle,

De-cluttering in January

 Organizing, Recycling, Rituals, Simplicity, Spirituality  Comments Off on De-cluttering in January
Jan 252010

With the start of the new year, as we put away the holiday stuff, it’s common for many to start focusing on cleaning and organizing our homes.  The evidence is apparent with what is on sale at the stores – storage bins, etc.

The annual ritual is sort of symbolic and related to needing to de-clutter our brains so we can begin anew.  I can recall needing to clean out a closet before studying for a big exam in college.  It was like then my brain had space.  Maybe it meant that I have OCD.

Regardless, January for me, along with many of us, means clearing out the past – literally and metaphorically, so we can make space for something new and different.  It is about letting go and allowing something new in.  I feel the letting go process every time I recycle, donate, and discard something, especially if I’ve held it for a long time.  I have files with newspaper clippings from the New York Times dated 1991 (maybe even before!)….I’ve moved a lot since then, so it’s weird thinking how often and how long some of this paper has traveled…

One of my (slow) goals is to go more and more paperless….There is a saying that paper should touch our hands only once.  It should then be either discarded (recycled) or filed.  I feel refreshed every time I see a space that I’ve de-cluttered and reclaimed for productive use.  It is an easy achievement I can pat myself on the back for.

De-cluttering and organizing adds to my sense of balance, simplicity, and more in line with my spirituality.

Banking Dream

 Finances, Saving Money, Simplicity  Comments Off on Banking Dream
Dec 152009

A company I’ve had great experience with, in contrast to Chase, is ING Direct. I’ve been an on-line customer since 2005 and love the simplicity and savings in time and money I’ve had.

Almost all my bills are automatically deducted from there.  I just make sure I’ve got enough money to cover them and don’t have to take the time to mail bills. If anyone is still doing that, STOP! Why waste the time and postage? Conquering tasks such as bill-paying helps with having more balance in our lives.

This ritual is not fun for anyone and I don’t miss it at all. I see the amounts that go through, so can take action if I see an amount that seems unusual. I’ve also historically gotten a higher interest rate than I’ve seen, which has been going down steadily.

I felt even more validated for my banking choice when I recently read an article in Money Magazine stating we should have an emergency saving account in ING.  Making sure we have at least an emergency savings account is a goal all should try to achieve to feel some basic semblance of balance.  Leave a comment if you are interested in joining the bank and would like a $10 referral bonus.

The more simplicity we have in our lives, the more balanced we feel.


 Gardening, Recycling, Simplicity  Comments Off on Tree-Trimming
Nov 192009

On Monday, we got our three trees trimmed, probably for the very first time for them, and me. Trimming trees is not something I would think about, as much as I like to garden and do yard work. Although I bought this home partly for the two big majestic trees in the back and have enjoyed watching the antics of my resident squirrels and then my cat in the trees, I didn’t notice some of their issues, which required a trim. I have mostly been the one to trim the areas that can easily be reached, and kept those areas groomed.

It has been my husband who has been their advocate. He noticed when some areas looked like they were dying off and determined that a trimming was needed. He called in some professionals, got different opinions and estimates. It was confirmed that they needed to be trimmed or they would die within about seven years. Although we don’t plan on living in the house that long, we decided it needed to be done and the trimmers finally arrived two days ago. Two men spent about eight hours trimming them. It was mesmerizing watching them scale the trunks and go at them with their chain saws and axes.

Now we are enjoying looking out and seeing our well-groomed trees. I think I may have even become a little bit of a “tree snob” as I look to my neighbors’ trees and realize that perhaps they could use some trimming.

As an additional unexpected treat, I ended up with all the mulch from the branches. Using the mulch from our trees in the yard has been a great way to recycle the trimming. During Maya’s naps the past few days, I have been out in my yard spreading the mulch. It has been meditative, a good work-out, and productive at the same time as I see my yard looking better and know that I am making some gardening improvements since the soil will be better and the trees and other plants will be protected.

Porter admiring a papaya tree in front of a relative's home in my Indian village.

Porter admiring a papaya tree in front of a relative's home in my Indian village.

Quick Stress Fixes

 Finding balance, Self-Care, Simplicity  Comments Off on Quick Stress Fixes
Nov 042009

Bhalloo nappingAs the holidays approach, our stress levels can start to soar.  Women in particular feel it as they often feel solely responsible for creating “perfect” holiday memories for their families.

Sometimes, a solution to less lies in gaining more perspective of a situation.  Running late can push many stress buttons.  But maybe the solution requires just a phone call stating you are delayed and perhaps keeping in mind that being late to your destination will not be the end of the world.  I try to learn from the situation to understand what caused my delay to try to correct the situation for the future.  This at least allows me to feel some productivity is coming from the situation.

For the holidays, my goal this year is to shop early, as in now.  Normally, I get so absorbed in other areas, such as baking, that I delay shopping until it becomes stressful.  Since shopping is generally not an activity I enjoy (I know, strange for a female), it becomes even more stressful when there is less time and more traffic and hassle.  I will try to prevent that scenario this year.  Also, I have to remember that this year I will be trying to do everything with an additional family member and newly-mobile infant as well.  Yikes.

One quick, grounding stress fix for me is to repeat a mantra or affirmation in my head until I’m less stressed.  I used this technique to give birth without drugs!  Have a plan for dealing with difficult, stressed people during the holidays.  Have an affirmation ready to repeat in your head and a plan to leave the scene if needed.  With three pets I adore, just hugging or petting one helps a lot!

Women in particular can feel easily overwhelmed by the demands around them.  Sometimes, just taking a brief break for a few minutes can make a world of difference.  Maybe this means the kids are briefly occupied while we slip away to read a few pages from a book we are reading to escape or something spiritual that helps ground us.  If we are feeling too negative, it may help to just seek some humor, such as turning to the comedy channel to get a few laughs and remind ourselves to not take life too seriously!

Simplicity is Simple!

 How to find balance, Simplicity  Comments Off on Simplicity is Simple!
Oct 092009

CA - Simplicity
Simplicity is often taken for granted. It includes making daily choices that support having just enough on our plates and not too much. Ensuring this can include saying “no” to requests that make our plates overflow and at the same time saying “yes” to ourselves.

When was the last time you spent hours lost in a good book or lying back and listening to your favorite music rather than just having it on in the background while driving from A to B?

Choosing simplicity for our lives can range from daily choices affecting how much we are doing to thinking further about our lifestyles over-all. This can include thinking further about our careers, our current job, whether to add another job, how we spend money, and on what. It may mean some soul-searching about what materialistic items we want versus what we need.

Over-all, there seems to be a correlation between simplicity and stress. The more simple we can make our lives, the less stress we feel…

Slowing Down

 Children, How to find balance, Parenting, Simplicity  Comments Off on Slowing Down
Sep 042009
Maya touching grass for the first time, with Colin looking on (I remember him doing the same at her age)

Maya touching grass for the first time, with Colin looking on (I remember him doing the same at her age)

If there is one concept that motherhood encourages, it is to slow down.  Often, I find myself caught in a whirlwind of multi-tasking, as most women do.  Then everything comes to a halt as I nurse or tend to Maya in other ways.  She doesn’t care about the tasks I’m trying to get done; the small goals I want to cross off my list.  As our kids grow, we are often pulled into their world, to view things from their perspective.  They are amazed by so much and can easily find so much to laugh it.  We end up laughing with them, out of amazement.

Maya laughs easily – when her tummy is nuzzled, when we play silly games, and when her big brother says or does anything.  Her laughter is the greatest sound in the world.  In those moments, the “Things to do list” fades in the background and all concerns disappear.  It’s a feeling to treasure and remember later when we are back in our frenzied whirlwind.

In the Western culture, multi-tasking has been looked upon as part of a positive skill-set.  Women, in particular, have gravitated toward trying to squeeze in as many tasks as possible, just because they can.  Men know to not even bother, as their brains don’t seem to allow it as much. 😉  The success we feel in occasionally getting more done encourages us to multi-task even more.  However, we all know that at times, the productivity is not increased, and sometimes even leads to danger (if we are driving, for instance).

What living in a frenzied way and multi-tasking does normally do is deprive us of moments that we can remember and treasure when it is our turn to “clock out.”  Maybe it means that I didn’t take the moment to look out my window and notice something fascinating that my tiger kitty is doing (which he always does).  Or worse, maybe I didn’t see my baby reach a milestone, such as sitting up on her own without supporting herself, which she is reaching now.

Like everyone says, these early days with a child go by very quick.   I was amazed to see some “recent videos” of Maya and noticed that she was less than 1/2 her current age (about 3 months and now she is almost 7).  In totality, she has of course not been on the planet for very long, so everything about her seems recent; but she was so different and much smaller!

Raj ("King" in Hindi, our tiger cat), drinking from our bird bath - fascinating!

Our kids’ rapid growth is amazing.  It certainly reminds us of our mortality and that life is about constant change.   It’s important to slow down when we can to experience it all.

Raj (“King” in Hindi, our tiger cat), drinking from our bird bath – fascinating!